<aside> 🔆 We use Telegram group to share the latest information to all students in JI & YIC. Inevitably, there will be scammers and spammers lurking around to annoy us in the group.

Here we share:


Why we use Telegram?

JI & YIC are both national level competitions, where each year there are thousands of students and teachers participating. To ease the communications and discussions will all participants, we have decided to go with Telegram, as it:

The risks of using Telegram

Yes, we understand the risk of using Telegram public groups as means of communication.

We also notice there is a rising number of spammers and scammers appearing in our group.

Here are 5 scam and spam techniques to watch out for in a Telegram group:

  1. [Phishing](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/protect-yourself-from-phishing-0c7ea947-ba98-3bd9-7184-430e1f860a44#:~:text=Phishing (pronounced%3A fishing) is,that pretend to be legitimate.)

  2. Offensive language and image spam

  3. Free Bitcoin or ETH giveaways


  4. Links to other groups or websites

  5. Admin impersonators

What we have done to protect you

Therefore we have employed these methods to protect our members in the Telegram Groups: