<aside> 🔆 In JI & YIC, we encourage you to submit your work on YouTube so that judges get to view it easily. Here is how to upload a video to YouTube.


Step 1: Log into your YouTube channel

  1. Open YouTube on your browser.

  2. Sign in using your Google account.


    <aside> ⚠️ WARNING Starting Sep 2021, all school accounts on YouTube are no longer allowed to upload new videos. YouTube is now a new limited version designed for schools.

    Get help from your teachers or parents when you need to upload your video.


  3. Upload your video.


  4. Drag and drop your video into the browser.


Step 2: Edit your video details

  1. While your video is being uploaded, edit the details for your video


  2. Your video title should include “YIC2022 - YOUR TEAM NAME from SCHOOL NAME” or “JI2022 - YOUR TEAM NAME from SCHOOL NAME”

  3. Your YouTube video description should include the following details:

  4. Your video should be set to “Made for Kids” so that you comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.


  5. Publish the video as Public. Please DO NOT set it as Private.


  6. Click “Save” to publish.

  7. Remember to copy the link to your video.


Step 3: Submit your video on LMS

  1. Log into Chumbaka LMS
  2. Go to “📩 Submit Your FINAL Video Here!”
  3. Post your YouTube link in the Form